Thursday, January 19, 2012

24 hr Prayer! Day 3

Today we are staying at the guest house just getting things ready to head out! We started off the day with breakfast together and figuring out the internet more. crazy we all are dieing trying ti communicate back home. I slept really well last night! Just woke up at three because I thought I had bugs all of me when it was my head phones. lol Three seemed to be a common time among half the team waking up. Right now I am on the roof. It is so amazing up here you can see everything. We are doing 24 hr of prayer so this is my hr.  I just went back to read day 1 devo we have and it is titled God please help me find a place. talking about how you can hear the voice or my be wrestling with the question of will God use me or did I come all this way for nothing. This is so what has been going through my head last night when I was thinking will I fall in love with his place like everyone that is here again.

James 4:6-10 " submit yourself to the Lord, humble yyourself before Him and he will exalt you!

As I am up here on the roof I opened my cards for the day which was From Layla. saying " Remember God is bigger than big and stronger than strong." I just started crying this is so what I needed and it came from a 3 year old! I am also listening to hillsong in which God is able is playing. So Awesome! Right when I wonder if I should be here God shows him self and makes it known.

Psalm 5:1
Oh Lord hear as i pray pay attention to my groaning"
this just flipped opened in my bible I wanted to read psalms 2 but my pages kept flipping from the wind so I gave in and read it!

This afternoon 3 of us girls just sat down in our bed room and started talking which probably lasted 2 hr or so. It was such a good good talk. We talked about our walk with god our familys and prayed over it all. Then a few of us went down the street to the soccer field. We had our cameras and the little kids just loved to pose. There was 2 then 3 then 4 and then every kid that I think was out there. So funny!

2 kids

3 kids

5 kids

oh wait all of the kids now

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