Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Standardized testing Who thought of that!

In my EDC class today we were talking about a book we had to read Why Kids Hate School. It's a pretty good book. In this book it interviews and research why kids hate school. The big topic my class got stuck on was Standardized testing!As we got talking about this subject I was wondering what politician would ever think this was  the answer to finding out how students are learning??? As it was said in the book we were reading standardized testing and the No child left behind act is more of a "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" education. when every child learn different. Now days teachers have a list of things that they have to get in, in the year to be able to have the students "know" what they need to "know" for the MAP test or end of course exams. When in most cause the students are shutting out the teacher because it is more of a memorize and force feeding education.  The teachers are just hurrying through the material to be able to get it all in. Most students want a fun way to learn and/or Want to know why they need to know the information, how it will impact them and how to use it in real life. When Teachers have started to do this the students have shown a better success rate. But in all this it still doesn't get rid of the standardized testing!Most schools are so worried about how good tehir students will do and put so much pursure on their studnets for these test! When really it doesn't show how much or what the students are learning at all. Has anyone took into consideration:
* students may not test well
* students may not care becasue everyone makes such a big deal out of the test
* student with disabliities may not be able to do the test.
* the students doesn't have a good home life
* the student had a bad teacher
I'm sure there are many more reasons. Are the politicians stepping foot into the class rooms and putting them selfs in the positions of the students? Most aren't yet they think testing is the best way. When it is just making angry students and making students think that they aren't good enough.

This may be a little blabbing but it's very true.
What do you think?

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