Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodnight Springfield Good morning Airport

Today I have done last minute things here and there. packed my carry ons. Went to see the little one I watch on fridays. Then Will and I went to dinner at Touch. I had got a gift card from the Hensler's ( people I babysit for on Fridays) for christmas. Great restaurant. We had a nice relaxing dinner.
One thing that keeps crossing my mind is will I go back to Mali next year. I'm not sacred to go. Which I don't know if that is a good or bad thing right now.  Everyone I have ever talked to has been scared or worried before leaving the country. I'm just not. I am a little excited but have settled down a little. Just not sure what emotion to have at this point.
But bright and early I will be up in the morning getting off to the air port. Then it is Chicago and DC. Then GO BYE USA. hello Brussels and Africa!
last date night for a while. He even dressed up!

So this is it until I get back.
Good Bye Everyone and Happy New Years!

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