Monday, August 27, 2012

Letting God lead

As many know Will and I have taken this summer to explore different church's and different ministry's in the church. This has been such a great experience and tiring at the same time. We have felt God calling us to something but just don't know what. It was been hard to sit back and say God I will go where you want me to go!
Over the last week, I have been so anxious and ready to get back on the mission field. Expectantly back in Mali! I have no clue when I will go back or where I could go next! It has really been on my heart, thinking about everyone back there and just how life was like out on the field. I wouldn't say life was easier, but it was just know that prescient of God is always there. Not that it he isn't in the US. In the US our ever day life takes over so much and out on the field all that is gone!
Also just thinking what it would be like for Will to be there and for us to experience that together.
No matter how much I love working with Special needs kids here my heart has always been for mission ever  since my first mission trip in 8th grade!

My prayer lately has been....
 "God open my eyes to what you want me to see and move my feet where you want me to go!"

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